Ever since I was born, I have kept asking myself the same questions. I realized that these same questions were asked by the people around me. Who is God? Why do I live? Why does God punish me? Do I really need to have such a hard life? How will I manage? And similar questions. I asked myself all these questions and a million others. I’ve been looking for an answer for years. Since I am a Catholic by birth, I began to question the truth of Catholic dogmas. I analyzed other religions as well, given the very negative attitude towards Catholicism and Catholics and realized that they are all just dogmas. Dogma is the way each religion takes what it thinks is right from believing in God and presents it to believers in a way that suits it. Thus, in many religions we have expressions of hatred and non-acceptance of differences. It does not exist with God. God is one and only. God created everything and everything was created in Him and by Him. There are no dogmas. There is only one belief, the true and the real one. Faith in God. God did not invent religion or dogma. It was invented by humans through the centuries to manipulate people.
Once I realized that God is one and only and that he is the only one I can rely on and who will always support me, then my much harder path began. That journey was directed by listening to His instructions and accepting guidance. On the other hand, the path was about finding me, changing my attitudes, understanding, changing my life in a way that would suit me and not harm others and, ultimately, the knowledge of love. I realized that love is immensely positive, innovative energy, the creative energy that gave origin to everything.