

The mind is the intelligent energy that every cell in the body contains. It works on a conscious and subconscious level. With the conscious mind, we get to know the external world through the five senses. With it, we establish connections with the environment by perceiving, experiencing and acquiring knowledge, constantly learning in order to better prepare us for life's situations. The subconscious mind makes itself known in situations such as dreams, visions, problem solving, inspiration, treatment, healing, etc. It takes care of the work of the body while it sleeps and manages breathing, circulation, heart work, but also monitors the work of all other body functions.


I have been a reiki master since 1997 and I have helped many people and animals to solve their physical problems, and for people, psychological problems. When healing people, one cannot work without the other. Problems mostly arise because of emotions that a person faces in everyday life. Therefore, no reiki master can permanently help a person if he is not ready to understand the background of the problems pressing him and the desire for inner change. Every Reiki master must also be a psychologist.

Breaking ties

There are different types of connections. Some of them are happy and successful, and some are unhappy and unhealthy. Happy and successful relationships bring fulfillment, satisfaction and joy, while unhealthy relationships bring pain, insecurity, fear, and sometimes even death.

Why should one think

Human brain is constantly working, which means it works 24 hours a day. That is why it should be directed to constructive and quality thoughts. Most people think about their day and what that day brought them both good and bad. It is necessary to understand what caused what happened to you, especially if it is repeated in the same or similar way. Until you understand the reason and learn a life lesson from that event, it will keep repeating itself. This means that you go around in circles and actually live in the past and do nothing to change your life or improve your life situation. It's not good for you, and it's not good for others.