

Emotional Cripple

Adults are usually said to be emotional cripples because a lot of them behave immaturely. Many people experience a lot of negative situations when growing up in their parents' home, school and out of school, so the experiences gained in this way are permanently implanted in the pattern of thinking, which manifests itself in adulthood as a pattern of behavior. These situations that happen to the child, and which should be explained to him in order to understand them in the right way, given the bad relationship with the parents, remain permanently incomprehensible.


There is very little communication in the world today, and even when there is, it is rarely constructive. Due to the lack of constructive communication, there is a lot of disagreement, misunderstanding, and often hatred. Constructive communication is communication in which all persons in the conversation have equal rights, express their opinion, which may or may not be accepted, in a clear, unambiguous and honest way.