

Emotional Immaturity

There are a lot more emotionally immature people these days than ever before. Such immature persons also create immature relationships that can be described as superficial and weak which means short-lived. Such a situation is a reflection of the situation in the families, as it is a reflection of the bad relationship between the parents as well as the bad relationship between the parents and the children. Today, children are mostly entertained and their lives are filled with television, video games and mobile phones (social networks, internet).


Nowadays, the concept of family has been completely distorted, mainly in the western countries of the world. This is because many new interpretations of life together between two people are included in the definition of family. A new social norm is being set that only encourages today's unacceptable way of defining a family as a community of two people. Such a distorted way of understanding the family was never on Earth until the last 60 years, that is, since the 1960s, when the transitional period from the so-called Iron Age (Kali yuge) towards the Golden Age which is expected soon.