As scientists define it, this would typically be a technological method to produce new genes and / or add new genetic material and change the structure of chromosomes to produce a beneficial effect on humans. This means an unnatural change in absolutely everything on Earth, man, food and health.
Nicholas Agar (New Zealand philosopher, professor of ethics) in his work “Liberal Eugenics: In Defense of Human Improvement” supports the use of available technologies to help future parents choose the desired characteristics of their children. Liberal eugenics (quality traits of parents passed on to descendants – “good lineage”) implemented in Germany is not intended to limit reproduction to only “suitable” people, but its goal is to provide as many reproductive choices as possible to as many people through genetic engineering. The emphasis is on the freedom of choice of people who decide to clone, genetically improve the embryo or their genes. Eugenics is being researched and implemented not only in Germany, but throughout Europe and the United States.
The third step is to categorize people into rulers, overseers and workers, and to establish supreme authority. Genetic engineering would fit in perfectly here. People would be “produced” according to the needs of those in power, that is, according to the needs that would be considered necessary for the maintenance of human life on Earth. Everyone would be chipped. Workers would directed on jobs that needed to be done such as agriculture, construction and other necessary physical jobs, supervisors would most likely manage workers in their sophisticated high-tech offices, and rulers would think and try to put their ideas into action to improve people and the whole situation of life on Earth. It would all come down to artificial production and complete control over people. Plants and animals would be marginalized and maximally subordinated to human needs.
I believe no one likes that scenario. Those who create it are not aware of their delusions. It is a complete loss of identity, a complete loss of the basics of man. There is no God, no love and no survival. These people want to be immortal in their physical body. This is impossible because the physical body is meant for the soul in it to grow and develop. God has given us a soul.
It is a misconception that people from 3 dimensions can play god. Only those who have known love, who live in love and who are connected with absolute love in their life, i.e. with God, can play god.
What transhumanists are imposing on the world is now very visible, but still not understood by most. It can evolve for a while, but it can’t survive. All societies that have existed on Earth since time immemorial have disappeared when they crossed the line of tolerance and began to violate the natural laws of the Earth. Usually after these events only a few positive individuals who had God in their lives remained, and records of past civilizations.