One of the diseases of today’s society is alienation. Today, most people in big cities, but also in rural areas, look only at themselves and their interests.
Our social community is on a low level of consciousness that is why alienation is so strongly present. It is said that today we live in a highly civilized society. That we can have everything we want. The advancement of technology in the last 60 years is as progressive as it has ever been in this civilization known today. Today, medicine has advanced so much that people change organs with metal inserts, or produce clones, or make organs from stem cells in a laboratory and much more. Today, people are forced to live without dying, physical beauty, longevity, youth are imposed on them. There is no humanity. What is being done is to impose alienation from oneself, alienation from God. If you are alienated from yourself how can you be connected to your heart, to your true self, to God. That is impossible.
They sell “fog” to people. People with a very low level of consciousness, believing that they have to adapt to these changes, believe that this is the only way to survive in this turbulent world. This present time of our civilization is the most turbulent so far, and it will be even more difficult.
People who are at a higher level of consciousness have begun to protest against the imposed negative patterns we receive on a daily basis through the media. They began to stand out more and more in public. You can already read a lot of quality books, watch great videos on social networks, attend great lectures. These people are not alienated. You will feel their positive energy of closeness near them, in their words and their voice. Listen to them. It is time for change.
The forced change from alienation to humanity began through diseases and pandemics, as people are forced to help each other in order to survive. This is where intimacy and openness begin.
Other types of coercion will come to us to understand what is important in life. Today, most parents are estranged from their children. Relatives, neighbors and people we call friends are also alienated. Colleagues and bosses were also alienated. Everyone likes to rule, to be in charge. It is modern in today’s society. What creates alienation is a lack of communication, a lack of warmth, a lack of togetherness, and a much of ego.
This society only shows how alienated it is from God. All who act in accordance with God’s law, which is the one and only, and that is love, are not alienated and are not separated from themselves and thus not separated from others. There is no alienation in them, only the knowledge that people will not be able to function in this way for a long time and that they will be forced to change in order to survive.