

Epidemics, Pandemics, Diseases

Diseases are unhealthy states of consciousness. This era's transition period began in 1960. After the Kali Yuga (the Iron Age) or the Dark Age of mankind, the Golden Age of mankind is expected. The year 1960 saw the beginning of a sudden development of awareness in people, and the energies began to move faster too. This means that people were given the ability to see who they really are. Ancient Eastern teachings began to penetrate the West.


Hope is the thing that constantly pushes us forward. Without the hope that something will happen that will bring a positive change in our lives, or without the hope that a certain event and/or situation will turn in our favor, most of us would probably give up on life. We all hope for something every day. We have old unfulfilled hopes and new ones. Hopes we would like to see become a reality soon or at some point in our future. Sometimes we want this to happen as soon as possible in our future, even though we are quite aware that it may take a few years.