The fear of death, if it is about an individual, is mostly the fear of not knowing what will happen after they die. The problem is a religious dogma by which believers are scared to end up in hell if they do not act according to defined dogmatic rules. This is not only manipulative, but also untrue.
Do you think that God, who is our Creator, would create such an ending for our souls? Of course, He didn’t do it. One should not believe dogmas if they are not extremely positive, if they do not inspire and if they do not heal. Believe in God, and you will not be afraid of death or anything else. The second most common fear is the fear of loneliness. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer open and honest people. People must be primarily open and honest with themselves in order to be able to be so towards others. People are afraid to be like that because they think it means being good, and that means that others will take advantage of you. So, they avoid being honest, and so encounter the same kind of people given that the same kinds of people usually attract.
This results in constant breakups or acceptance of life in unacceptable relationships and associations. The answer to that fear is that you need to be open and honest, but careful, and listen to your intuition, because then you find the same kind of people, who are open and honest. Then those connections last, because you mutually support them through communication and understanding. There is no loneliness here, because you are then as a complete person in a relationship or connection with another complete person. Complete people are the ones who know who they are, what they want in life and act in accordance with love. Then they are in harmony with their intuition, which means that they are guided by God.
Then there are no mistakes. The third type of fear is the fear of loss. What does loss mean to people as a word? Loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of money, loss of children (permanent separation, death), loss of property… The less you are afraid of losing something the less attached you are to that person or thing. Then it is easier for you even if a loss occurs. And if you act accordingly, if you lose something, you do not consider it the most difficult thing in life, but a situation in which God has allowed you to make small or drastic changes in your life. People do not understand the words: God gave, God took it away. It should be understood that God defines everything, because through life that is a process of constant ups and downs, He has enabled you to learn. God, if you understand the true meaning of His actions, always gives. Why? Because every time He allows you to rise, you thereby learn, understand the situation and accept, thereby raising your positive energy and getting closer to Him. If you learn nothing or not enough, He will find a way to move you in the right direction.
Jedino je uistinu težak gubitak u ovoj našoj, materijalnoj, trećoj dimenziji gubitak voljene osobe, a nakon te vrste gubitka, i gubitak djeteta. To se ne može preboljeti. Tu je potrebno razumjeti i prihvatiti situaciju i krenuti dalje. Vjerujte u Boga. Sve je povezano i ima ne samo apsolutnu smisao nego i svrhu koju mi ne vidimo, ali ju Bog zna.