From the 1960s, the true values of Eastern teachings slowly began to penetrate the West as well. Since then, many texts can be read that allow us to understand the truth about our existence and connect with our Creator. These are truths that liberate, those that can only fill a person and bring him into balance and inner peace. These are the truths that tell us who we are in our essence and how and in what way we are connected to God. The problem is that very few people read today. After high school or college, people forget that they need to be further educated. People consider school and reading to be coercion. Wrong upbringing and access to education as well as the media have done great damage to today’s generations. Most want to dodge working, want good earnings, and without working and effortlessly meet all their external needs. People’s needs are geared towards external gratification that is false and draws people into the illusion of life. What is worth is love, truth, and inner contentment that is only possible in the knowledge that we are all one in God. In addition, the problem is that most religions today speak of only one life, not of incarnations through which God allows us to grow in our wisdom and to draw near to Him.
It is a misconception that people with faith, love, truth, honesty, working and effort cannot achieve success and money. Today, there are people in the world who have acquired their wealth in a positive way and in addition they have a lot of love for themselves and everything around them. These people live love and peace every day. They realized a deep connection with God and thanks to truth and intuition came to success. It is intuition that binds us directly to God. God is our creator, not our biological parents. How many parents want to have a child so they can’t? It is God who decides who and where (region, language, characteristics of parents…) will be born (incarnate). God has given us a part of Himself so that we can incarnate. He is our real father and mother. He is always in us. Those who have an open heart can feel and hear Him. Through intuition, that is, our heart, God directs us to the right path. This path is often difficult, but it is correct. Few people today hear, let alone believe and listen to their intuition. Children feel and hear it, but due to their parents’ ignorance of life and their inappropriate behavior and attitude towards them, it is very quickly suffocated in children. Parents are the ones who think they know more than children and that children need to listen to them.
Ignorance can only be removed by persistent efforts to live life in love and understanding that God truly exists and that we must believe in His guidelines that He gives us in life, no matter how difficult it may be for us. It takes a strong desire, determination and perseverance to truly achieve this in life. Then we begin to connect with God and then we begin to receive His guidance. We just have to know how to listen. So we become wiser, we have more compassion, truth and love in us. Thus we ascend to a higher level of consciousness, and that is the goal of our existence.