Such behavior encounters resistance from the environment, and with their attitudes they do not get what they are looking for so deep inside. That is why conflict situations arise.
People who are in contact with such people need to understand what kind of people they are dealing with. As soon as they realize this, they need to behave in a way that gives such people understanding and compassion, but does not give them the opportunity to unacceptably emphasize their ego. This will partially satisfy their need for love, and at the same time alleviate the possibility of coming into a conflict situation. Such people should never be allowed to vent their ego by belittling the people around them, whether it is an old parent, co-workers or someone else. If it is not possible to explain to such a person through decent communication that we are all valuable, then we should, if possible, move away from their vicinity permanently.
In the parental home, this is impossible for the child, because he / she is forced to live with him / her. Therefore, it is necessary to help such a child by understanding, raising his energy and / or talking to the authorities about such cases. When it comes to the workplace, such people are bad managers and bad employers. Everyone should change jobs to get away from such people and the negative energy they radiate. When looking for another job, a person must be aware that if he wants a better environment, he must act positively on himself in order to increase the positive energy of the body, or to call more love into his body. In this way, it raises the frequency of the body and attracts people who are on higher frequencies. A higher body frequency means more love in the body. This leads to finding a better job where the superiors and the environment are more positive, and therefore it is much more comfortable to work. It’s all up to you. The higher your body frequency, the lower your ego, the more love you have for yourself, the more positive people you attract, the happier and healthier you are. You choose.
And people at a high level of spiritual development have pride just showing it in a natural way. Their pride is manifested through showing respect for others. Their ego is small or almost non-existent. They know their value. They know that their process of understanding life is at a very high level. We are all on Earth for learning. Those who are at a low level of consciousness still have a lot to learn, which means they must learn how to live in love and accept God within themselves. Those who are at a high level of consciousness have a lot of love in them. They are connected with God every moment of their existence on Earth. They understand the process of soul growth through numerous incarnations. Everyone loves such people, because they treat everyone positively. This does not mean that everyone accepts them. Those at lower levels of spiritual development are subconsciously jealous of them.
But … we all have our own process of spiritual development through life situations, through many incarnations, through filling our being with understanding and compassion for ourselves and others. As much as you value yourself, you show the world how much you value others. It has to do with … the more you love and accept yourself, the more you love and accept others.