No one explained to these young people why respect for themselves and others is important in their lives. First and foremost, one should respect oneself. This means that you care about yourself in a way that everything you do for yourself benefits you as an individual. These include proper nutrition (three to five meals a day, regularly in small portions), a healthy diet (various types of vegetables and fruits without meat and fish, and healthy drinks without carbonated and low-quality high-energy drinks), daily hygiene, a healthy lifestyle (waking up in the morning, a regular rhythm, between 6 to 8 hours of regular sleep a night), daily physical and mental work, positive behavior towards oneself, one’s neighbors and the environment (people, plants, animals, the Earth), prayer, meditation or contemplation, all imbued with love and faith in God. If a parent does not learn and accept positive attitudes towards themselves and their lives, they cannot teach their children the true values of life, because they do not know how.
Parents are the ones who have the greatest responsibility in raising children. Mothers need to instil in their child emotional elements such as love, understanding, compassion, tenderness, kindness, sacrifice and respect for themselves and others. Fathers must instil in their child elements such as responsibility, determination, self-awareness, calmness, honesty, sincerity and striving for a goal. If a child is guided carefully and with a lot of understanding, then we have young people with true virtues who always know how to act in the right way in their business activities, and always know how to communicate well irrespective of whether the situation is relaxed or tense. Thanks to a positive upbringing, such people have a lot of positive energy, because they have learned that everything can be resolved through communication and non-violence. They are always guided by God in their decisions. Thanks to their positive attitudes and behavior, they therefore receive even more positive energy, because they receive support for the realization of a certain job, situation or communication from God.
Children who are not raised or guided in the right way by their parents do not have much positive energy. They seek love and understanding from others around them. Smaller children, those between 4 and 11 years of age, show their dissatisfaction and revolt with aggression, violence and swearing. These children do not know how to defend themselves in any other way from the negative energy with which their parents shower them every day. Often such children suffer daily physical and emotional abuse from which they cannot defend themselves. Those over the age of 11 up to the age of 18 resort to unacceptable ways of dressing, behaving, talking, being away from home until the wee hours of the night, belonging to various unacceptable groups of people (gangs, sects) with no knowledge of how to get out of such negative attitudes and situations. Even if they succeed in getting out, they do not know how to draw certain positive experiences and understanding from these situations. This happens because these children do not trust their parents, because their parents have emotionally distanced themselves even if they physically live under the same roof. These children have no one to talk to about many situations that are an integral part of life and which should prepare them for a future healthy attitude towards various situations in life.
Even when we want to help these unfortunate children, and especially when it comes to someone from the family, there is a great deal of misunderstanding and resistance from social services and bureaucracy. Instead of wanting to help remove a child from an unhealthy environment as soon as possible, they talk about not wanting to “break up a family”. It is obviously not clear to them that this family is already broken and that through such complete inaction and by not solving the problem of unhappy children, they are creating an extremely unhealthy society. Most of their so-called help is through conversation and of an advisory nature, which is completely unacceptable for an abused child. For a child is the only acceptable solution to put them in a happy and healthy family (that family can comprise one person, if the environment is healthy and is made up of people who will take care of that child with love, understanding and care). How many more unhappy and abused children will there be before the social system realizes that action must be taken immediately, and not just if the child’s “life is in danger”?