Spirituality means understanding life. Understanding life means that people must first understand who they are and why they were incarnated, and that we don’t live just one life, as Western religion tells us, but we incarnate as many times as necessary to understand what life is. When a person has a lot of understanding, compassion and love for himself and everyone and everything around him, that person knows what life is and lives in the knowledge of life. Such persons incarnate exclusively to help other people to grow spiritually, that is, to help them understand what life is and why they incarnated. As much as people have the possibility of exceptional personal growth precisely because of the exceptional development of science and technology, education is at an extremely low level. Young people and those a little older, instead of reading quality books and dealing with interesting topics from real life, they dull themselves with communication through social networks, games that make them lose track of time, poor nutrition, physical inactivity and thus numb their thinking and dull their senses.
Spirituality is a connection with God, not accepting and living in one of today’s religions. God made incarnation possible, and our parents only gave us a physical body, and those to whom God gave it. A spiritual person lives love, which means that he projects it in all aspects of his life all the time.
Lack of communication leads to discord in families, between business partners, between citizens and authorities, between states, in other words, society falls apart and chaos ensues. In order for society to be healthy, it is first necessary to develop good and healthy communication in the family, because this is the basis for the healthy development of a person as a social being. If a person does not get a good foundation of communication in his family, which means that he can and knows how to talk in a calm way, accept constructive suggestions, remarks, criticism and praise in order to be able to deal with it later in life, then such a person will develop his unhealthy behavior in communication projects towards others, at the beginning at school, and later at the workplace and in all other conversations throughout life. Such people become insecure, lack self-confidence, some withdraw into themselves, do not trust anyone, feel hurt and therefore behave arrogantly and/or submissively (they consider themselves unworthy and allow others to take advantage of them without resisting). The relationship between parents and children is extremely important for the development of the child and society, which most parents today ignore under the pretext that they don’t have time, that they don’t have money, that they are tired and the like. Unfortunately, the bad behavior of parents towards their children is often a projection of their relationship with their parents. Parents must get out of this bad vicious circle in order to start developing spiritually and to develop a healthy relationship with their children and thus help in the healthy development of their children.
With healthy communication between parents and children, children grow into self-confident people full of respect, understanding and compassion for themselves and everyone around them.
The lack of love results from the direct relationship of the parents to the child from the moment of conception. If the child is wanted and later has a good relationship with the parents full of support, understanding, faith and acceptance, then the child will develop into a happy and self-confident being full of love and understanding. Unfortunately, there are very few such cases, which is why children, later young people, behave “unacceptably”. You cannot blame children for bad behavior and not look at their relationship with their parents. By blaming the child for “unacceptable” behavior, you are destroying the child’s psyche, who both then and later in life find it very difficult to fit into society, and at the same time, by supporting bad parents, you are giving the right to continue to behave in an unacceptable way, thus becoming complicit in the destruction of the child’s life, and consequently society. Many, precisely because they do not understand life and think that you only live once, do not have the knowledge that all causes have their consequences. This means exactly how you treat others, it will come back to you in the same way or in a way that will force you to start thinking differently and live differently in order to grow spiritually and change for the better. That’s why people live more lives, that’s why they’re not born with the same level of intelligence, that’s why they’re born in different environments, different skin colors, different religions and the like. That is why there are children in families who are much more intelligent than their parents, which confuses parents and few parents can accept this. Most parents want their child to behave like the majority, to follow a stereotype in order to find their place in society. Without these different, positive people, humanity would not develop, progress and grow spiritually. Therefore, if you have a child who is intelligent, help him in his personal development. It is enough to love and support him.