
Why people make mistakes

There are three main reasons why people make mistakes. These are ignorance about life, less communication and less love. Ignorance of life refers to the ignorance that we are all embodied in this life as individuals who each carry in their lives knowledge from past lives. The more often a person has incarnated, it means that he has lived many lives in a physical body, and if throughout his life he has learned about what to eat, how to think, and how to behave towards himself and others, in a word, to live positively, then such a person he already has a lot of accumulated knowledge. Those people who have been incarnated a few times, and in a word, do not have much knowledge about life, these people make many more mistakes towards themselves and others.


The soul is that little piece of God that God gave us at conception. For the first three months, the soul of the child is attached to the physical body of the mother, and after three months the soul enters the physical body of the baby. That soul inhabits us until physical death. After physical death, it goes back to the ethereal state, that is, the energy that exists. The soul of man is the only permanent one. She is eternal. Without it, we would not be alive, that is, we would not exist. Because of the soul, we have all the senses through which we can experience our current reality. Without a soul, we are just a physical skeleton made of flesh and blood, but without life.