

Hope is the thing that constantly pushes us forward. Without the hope that something will happen that will bring a positive change in our lives, or without the hope that a certain event and/or situation will turn in our favor, most of us would probably give up on life. We all hope for something every day. We have old unfulfilled hopes and new ones. Hopes we would like to see become a reality soon or at some point in our future. Sometimes we want this to happen as soon as possible in our future, even though we are quite aware that it may take a few years.


We are all full of desires. Our first desires appear at the moment of our birth, and they continue appearing until we die. By fulfilling our desires, we try to satisfy some of our needs to possess something or just to feel emotionally satisfied. Our desires can be realistic and unrealistic. Many of the desires we have throughout our lives are unrealistic. Unrealistic desires are desires that are almost unattainable and almost all unrealistic desires are not truly realized during a person's life. There are many reasons for this.