Noise is any unwanted sound that bothers us. That sound can be very loud, painful, but also inaudible.
Today there is more and more noise. Usually with noise we focus on sounds that are very loud, which makes us irritable, angry, helpless, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, breathing speeds up, sweating increases, or sudden muscle contractions occur, and after prolonged exposure to depression, damage hearing, reduced ability to work, fatigue, poor communication, concentration problems, dysfunction of the digestive organs, especially the intestines and the functions of the endocrine glands (which produce hormones; pituitary gland, adrenal gland…). Rest and sleep are best for regenerating the body from noise.
The audiometer measures the hearing. The audibility threshold is defined by the volume in dB (decibels) and and the volume level in fon. Natural sound, i.e. moderate speech is 40 fons. Those who hear perfectly hear sounds below 20 fons, those who do not hear well, are deaf or deaf, hear sounds above 80 fons. Since the volume is equivalent to the volume we can say that dB is equal to the fon.
Noise over 60 dB acts to stimulate the central nervous system, which does not depend on the will of man, and which manages important vital functions.