


Today, the term popularity is a very unhealthy phenomenon in society. Because popularity is viewed in a distorted way a large proportion of people want to be popular. That desire starts back in kindergarten where children bombarded by the media feel that they can only get everything in life if they are popular. They start overdoing it and demanding things that can make them popular, and they’ve seen it on television, laptops, or cell phones. One part of such an unhealthy attitude towards life is emphasized by parents approving and satisfying the wishes of children in excessive amounts.

To Be Present

Today, few people are present in their own lives, much less in other people’s lives. Being present in your life means leading your life, understanding what is going on in it and why it is so. In addition to having a goal, because only when we have a goal can we lead and direct our lives. People who don’t have a goal don’t know what’s going on with their lives, why it’s happening, and that such an attitude can be changed. This is the behavior of people who are convinced that they have no power over their lives and who believe that others are the ones who shape their lives. They do not understand the lesson "everyone is a blacksmith of their own happiness" or the lesson "as you sow, so shall you reap". No one taught them to shape their lives with their thoughts, needs and desires. No one told them that they had to be present in their lives, because only in that way could they change it.