


According to the Bible, the definition of marriage is the union of a man and a woman who love each other. Love should be the only link between two people of different sexes uniting in a holy community. Only by connecting in love is God’s blessing obtained. Everything that binds two people into a community, and is not love, is null and void, even if it is confirmed in religious and secular institutions.

Emotional Cripple

Adults are usually said to be emotional cripples because a lot of them behave immaturely. Many people experience a lot of negative situations when growing up in their parents' home, school and out of school, so the experiences gained in this way are permanently implanted in the pattern of thinking, which manifests itself in adulthood as a pattern of behavior. These situations that happen to the child, and which should be explained to him in order to understand them in the right way, given the bad relationship with the parents, remain permanently incomprehensible.