


Mnogo ljudi nije sigurno u sebe, svoje stavove i svoje postupke. Često puta, ukoliko im nešto ne uspije, kritiziraju sebe. Što se više kritiziraju to se češće događaju situacije u kojima imaju malo uspjeha ili su potpuno promašene. To kritiziranje je samoosuđivanje sebe. Na takav način si govore da nisu dovoljno dobri, da nisu dovoljno vrijedni i da ne zaslužuju uspjeh.


f Self-restraintHome Archives Self-restraint People limit themselves out of fear. This fear arose due to the poor attitude of the parents towards the child. The parent does not understand how much his words affect the child’s life and his understanding of reality and truth. If a parent knows how his every word the child absorbs and builds a relationship with himself and life that later defines his attitudes, decision-making and behavior, he would pay close attention to his behavior, attitude and words to his child.